Welcome to Sante Medical Center

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Sante Medical center is a highly specialised medical center that aims to deliver high standard medical care at reasonable price.

It is an a sole proprietorship company owned and managed by a Physician. It is registered with trade and industry office and licensed by the Ministry of Health.

Centrally located in the heart of Addis Ababa, Santé medical center has good reputation in wide range of specialty services, particularly in renal medicine. It gives a specialized renal care including dialysis service and urologic procedures integrated with holistic high quality care for all cases. Supported by high quality laboratory services and best specialists and sub specialist, santé is becoming a home of many patients who need ou care. We continually re-invest in our facilities in order to remain as a world-class medical care.

Special advantage of medical care at Sante

1.  It has many specialists in the different fields of medicine

2. The specialists are mostly addis ababa university medical faculty staffs , who regularly update themselves with the advances in medicine

3. It gives full lab service, the laboratory result is reliable as there is a quality control system

4. It has modern diagnostic equipments

5. It gives fast emergency care

6. It is located at a convenient location, it is the center of the city , on the main road where all means of transportation is avialable

7. The compound has a wide green area, pleasant to stay in and with spacious car parking lots.

8. It has a pharmacy service

Moreover the center has special features like;

Management meeting - Weekly meeting and as needed by management group on planned activities problems and solutions with particular emphasis on clients feedback notes.
Departmental independence – Each department of the center works independently free of the admistrative influence
Training – The working staff of the center receives regular training to upgrade their skill.
Feedback collecting – The center receives clients and staffs feedback through a log book, questionnaire and orally.
Works together with stakeholders – Sante medical center works closely with the government, pharmaceutical companies and medical suppliers.

What makes Sante Medical center unique?


Dialysis is a treatment for severe kidney failure (also called renal failure and end-stage renal disease). When the kidneys are no longer working effectively, waste products and fluid build up in the blood. Dialyses take over a portion of the function of the failing kidneys to remove the fluid and waste from your blood to maintain chemical balance you need to stay alive..
Our dialysis service is superior to any other in the city in the following regards which considerably count on the wellbeing of your life.


Who is at risk for kidney disease?

-Patients with diabetes mellitus and Hypertension

-Individuals over 50 years of age

-Individuals who are obese or smoke.

-Individuals with a family history of Diabetes, Hypertension or Kidney disease.

Kidney diseases are treatable

Detection: Kidney disease can be detected early. Simple laboratory tests are done on small samples of blood (to measure creatinine content and estimate GFR) and on urine (to measure creatinine and albumin excretion).

The majority of individuals with early stages of CKD go undiagnosed, particularly in the developing world. The early detection of kidney impairment is essential and allows suitable treatment before kidney damage or cardiovascular problems occur.  

High blood pressure is related to CKD in a number of ways. High blood pressure can independently cause CKD, and CKD can cause high blood pressure. The treatment of high blood pressure has become the most important intervention in the management of all forms of CKD. Lowering blood pressure will reduce the risk of heart disease, which for most patients with CKD, is a more immediate threat than end-stage renal disease (ESRD) .It will also reduce the chance of developing ESRD which requires dialysis or kidney transplantation. A healthy diet with salt reduction to roughly less five grams (100 mmols sodum) substantially lowers blood pressure. In addition, measuring blood pressure regularly and using medications when necessary are vital to reducing the incidence and risk of CKD.

High blood Pressure and Chronic kidney disease

high blood pressure correlates with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in a number of ways. High blood pressure can independently cause CKD, contribute to its development or even be the result of CKD, Studies show that as kidney function worsens the likelihood that a patient will have high blood pressure increases. The treatment of high blood pressure has become the most important intervention in the management of all forms of chronic kidney disease (CKD).


What can be done to control high blood pressure?

Lifestyle changes, regular exercise and diet can have a profound impact on blood pressure and overall health. Weight loss of as little as eight to 10 pounds can have a dramatic impact on blood pressure. Blood pressure can also be lowered by reducing consumption of alcohol.

Medications are also essential and include the use of high blood pressure medicine, controlling cholesterol and the treatment of symptoms like anemia. Regardless of the medications used or lifestyle changes made, evidence provides hope in showing that by achieving the recommended blood pressure goals, CKD patients can reduce their risk of needing dialysis or experiencing an adverse cardiovascular event, such as a heart attack or stroke.





Digital X-Ray




Public Message

Chronic, non- communicable disease (particularly cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease) have now replaced the communicable disease as the leading threat public health and health budgets worldwide.

Deaths claimed by infectious diseases will decline by 3% over the next decade. In marked contrast, chronic diseases – that already account for 72% of the total global burden of disease in people over 30- will increase by 17%. Much of this in developing countries.

The cost of treating these chronic diseases, already 80% of many health care budgets, represents a leading threat to public health and healthcare resources worldwide.

The only feasible global response to this pending health and socio-economic crisis is chronic disease prevention. The kidney, too often overlooked as part of global public health efforts, has now emerged as central to prevention efforts.
The cost of renal replacement therapy (RRT) for total kidney failure weights heavy on many health care budgets. Over 1.5 million individuals around the world receive dialysis or have had a kidney transplant.

Even more importantly, kidney disease is a “disease multiplier”. It causes death in many people with diabetes and hypertension and predicts the development of a cardiovascular event.

If detected early CKD can be treated, there by reducing other complications.

Abnormalities in Kidney function often represent an early window into the state of the general vascular system. This window facilitates early disease detection before patients develop more devastating problems such as a stroke, peripheral vascular disease, coronary heart disease and kidney failure.

This new information now demands that kidney assumes a central role in global health and prevention efforts, because increased awareness of kidney disease has the immediate potential to dramatically reduce the growing burden of deaths and disability from chronic cardiovascular disease worldwide.

Promoting early detection and prevention of CKD will be an important step towards achieving the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended goal of reducing death rates related to chronic disease in the world by 2% per year over the next decade.


Guide to kidney kidney transplant


For the patient


  • May require a bridging hemodialysis  until kidney transplantation done.
  • Elderly, Diabetics and Cardiac patients needs to have though cardiac evaluation by cardiologist
  • CXR
  • Case summary
  • Referral paper to BLH for board decision
  • Establish communication by sending first case summary with the hospital where transplantation is to be done and receive acceptance letter.( sante  will assist you in the process)



  • Needs to have full Medical check up
  • Medical check up will be done sequentially at list.
  • Should have same blood group /Rh with the patient
  • Other screening test – urine, kidney function blood sugar
  • Should be a close  relative with the patient (mother ,father, brother ,sister ,son and daughter)
  • Age comparable


Requirements at Black Lion Hospital

  • Re evaluation including laboratory /imaging By physician at BLh.
  • Need to pass through all the chains and hierarchy based on the hospital’s procedures( board group of Doctors)  Dep Head= Med Director of hospital =Min of Health
  • Requested to fill form ,starting your relation with the donor  ( to be signed)(keep sample at sate)
  • Medical board team may request you to bring legal and medical conformation  of the started relation with the doner ,(may request blood test to conform)
  • Will be requested to bring acceptance letter from the hospital starting that the hospital already have accepted you.
  • Board decision is a legal right, and not at some body’s mercy as long as you have fulfilled all the steps.
  • Board paper is valid only for only for three months.